How to hide photos on your phone? 1Locker knows the answer

3 min readDec 9, 2020


We as a whole routinely click photographs utilizing our cell phone cameras. A large portion of those photos will be close to home and we probably won’t need others to see it. 1Locker Secret Photo Album for Android ( and iOS ( is an application that let you do exactly that. It let you cover up your photographs and videos safely and advantageously without dropping a clue to other people. You can get 1Locker Secret Photo Album just by a click in the play store.

  • It save mystery photographs and collections to store incredible and uncommon recollections
  • You can share put away media to yourself or companions
  • Possible to Browse private website pages without leaving any narratives
  • Assist to remember and make sure about passwords
  • It can ensure notes of your driver’s permit, ID cards, and Mastercards
  • You can add notes and save it privately

Features of1Locker Secret Photo Album

 Easy-to-use Pin Access
 Face Id/touch Id Protection
 Advanced Alphabetic Passwords
 Decoy Account To Hide Real Private Stuff
 Photo And Video Backup Through Wi-fi
 Customizable Photo Albums, With Cover Photos
 Lock The App From Settings
 Beautiful Design And Great User Experience
 Sharing Or Exporting Your Photos And Videos Later On
 Dark Mode In IOS 13
 No Annoying Ads

1Locker Secret Photo Album application for Android and iOS fundamentally let you lock down your photographs in the display utilizing a PIN. Additionally, you can even make the application imperceptible that others can’t discover it in your gadget. You can do as such by actuating the ‘Secrecy Mode’ and you had the opportunity to enter the PIN code to get to it once more. Just key in your PIN code utilizing the mini-computer gadget and tap on the number showcase to get to your Photo Locker application.

Try not to stress regardless of whether you’ve neglected to leave Photo Locker. The application will lockout when your telephone rests mode. Like stowing away photographs, it is similarly simple to un-shroud your photos. The discretionary pin recuperate include guarantees that you don’t wind up losing valuable photographs regardless of whether you’d failed to remember the PIN. Photograph Locker Pro, being a mystery application, doesn’t figure in the ‘ongoing applications’ rundown. 1Locker Secret Photo Album is viable with Android and iOS

I conclude to say that, 1Locker Secret Photo Album application for Android and iOS let you conceal your own photographs, videos, contacts and notes from prying eyes. Auto lock on rest and organizer level locking are helpful highlights that come convenient. The UI is really nice. Decision: If you’re searching for an application to hide your photos, 1Locker Secret
Photo Album application is definitely your best choice.

For more information, please visit or follow its Facebook Page:

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The Best Private Photo & Video Vault to Hide Your Secrets.